Founded in 2012 by the independent choreographer Amala Dianor, the KAPLAN Association I Compagnie Amala Dianor is committed to creating and touring his choreographic works.
KAPLAN I Compagnie Amala Dianor is recognized by the French government DRAC Pays de la Loire, the Pays de la Loire region and the city of Angers. Since 2020 it has received support for its projects from the BNP Paribas Foundation. Dianor has 18 creations in his repertory, ranging from large form works to solos, and KAPLAN I Cie Amala Dianor performs more than 70 times a year in France and abroad. Its touring is supported by the French Institute and ONDA. Dianor is associated with Touka Danses, a CDC in Guyana (2021-2024), with the Théâtre de Macon, scène nationale (2022-2024) and is also a member of the Grand Ensemble des Quinconces-l’Espal, scène nationale in Le Mans (2021 2024).
Dianor’s work is a hybrid virtuoso form including and channeling various styles: hip hop, a number of traditional African dances, contemporary ... there is a Dianor signature which is immediately identifiable in his work when performed in France or internationally. Since 2014, he has worked in close collaboration with the electro-soul composer Awir Léon, who has written the original music for his pieces. He also collaborates on an as-needed basis with other choreographers, writers, plasticians and directors... Dianor’s work is based on a process of fusion of popular and more classical forms, pushing the envelope in all directions, breaking lines to create new spaces, a plurality of perspectives and a new vision of otherness in society. Repoussant toujours les frontières tangibles ou invisibles, le chorégraphe crée de nouveaux espaces mêlés, délibérément pluriels, et y déploie une singulière poétique de l’altérité. He creates fluid movement, intense and accessible, opening pathways to new ways of seeing and acting. Committed to sharing and transmitting his work and his ideas, Amala Dianor also offers opportunities to younger artists from other countries and other horizons.
Amala Dianor is associated artist to Touka Danses, CDCN Guyane, France (2021-2024) and Théâtre de Macon, France (2021-24) ; Les Quinconces - l’Espale, scène nationale le Mans, France (2021-2024).
Cie Amala Dianor / Kaplan, sustained by French State - DRAC Pays de la Loire, Pays de la Loire Region, Town of Angers. Since 2020, it is receiving the support of BNP Paribas Foundation.