The Falling Stardust

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"The common theme in my creative work essentially lies in the approach of using dance technique in new ways. I like the idea of creating a piece involving a category or very clear tendency that I take and steer in a completely different direction, where codes and aesthetics intertwine to give an all-new tonality to the initial creation.
But what is more important for me than dance is the unique personalities, performers who interpret movement and express their individuality on stage. They are both the container and the contents of their offering: virtuosos who have patiently developed their technique, which has as such shaped their character and personality. I want to show that individuality on stage, both in the strength of the way they master their art and in their human side, which reveals itself on less stable territory.
I invite virtuoso dancers from ballet and contemporary dance to take risks together by moving into galaxies unknown to our arts. I will mould a pure form of movement taken from ballet, stripping it from the envelope of the action of stage shows, to focus solely on raw technique, in the image of the difficulty and rigour required in for street dance.
My artistic research on movement in dance has led me to create a choreographic work that treats all techniques from hip hop, contemporary and African dance. I will juggle from one aesthetic to another without any single one dominating another, guiding it towards a new type of dance inspired by a technique inscribed in the choreographic landscape to flow towards another, fuelled by diverse influences.
In doing so, I want to steer ballet dancers, masters in the pure technique of classical dance movement, to venture into territory where their encounter with my work will drive them towards a fragility that will be the strength and value of the creation." Amala DIanor

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World premiere
January 16, 17 and 18 2019
Pôle Sud, CDCN de Strasbourg
upcoming date

No upcoming representation.

Oliver Chapman (in alternance with Thomas Demay), Lucie Dubois, Baptiste Lenoir, Charlotte Louvel, Manuel Molino, Keyla Ramos, Yukie Spruijt, Jeanne Stuart, Elena Thomas (in alternance with Milane Cathala)
Amala Dianor
Artistic Assistant
Rindra Rasoaveloson and Alexandre Galopin
Xavier Lazarini
Clément Debras
Awir Leon
KAPLAN | Cie Amala Dianor
Théâtre de la Ville - Paris, La Villette, POLE-SUD CDCN Strasbourg, CNDC d’Angers, CCN Nantes, Maison de la danse de Lyon, Festival Montpellier danse 19, Viadanse-CCNBFC de Belfort, scène conventionnée Scènes de pays dans les Mauges, Centre Chorégraphique National de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne / Compagnie Käfig direction Mourad Merzouki dans le cadre de l’Accueil Studio, l’Espace 1789 de Saint-Ouen, scène conventionnée pour la danse, CCM de Limoges scène conventionnée danse, L’Onde théâtre centre d’art.
With the funding of
La Caisse des dépôts et consignations
With the support of
Région Pays de la Loire and the city of Angers

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Associate artist

Amala Dianor is associated artist to Touka Danses, CDCN Guyane, France (2021-2024) and Théâtre de Macon, France (2021-24) ; Les Quinconces - l’Espale, scène nationale le Mans, France (2021-2024).


Cie Amala Dianor / Kaplan, sustained by French State - DRAC Pays de la Loire, Pays de la Loire Region, Town of Angers. Since 2020, it is receiving the support of BNP Paribas Foundation.

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