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Amala Dianor decodes street dance and actively channels the energy of hip hop dance into contemporary dance. In Parallèle he uses the figure of the woman, developing a “hybrid” movement, a new vocabulary for his creations.
In Parallèle,as in his previous work Crossroads (2012), Amala uses synergy, the meeting point for urban cultures and contemporary dance while also creating a tool for “choreographic proposition,” and making it available for his dancers, to help them refine their own energies and channel those of others. The tool helps them find a simple, natural clarity in their approach to the work.
Parallèle offers a blend of choreographic expressions linked to the physical meeting of bodies, the natural human encounter of four personalities, each female, and each coming from a different place. From their innate intimacy, where this compact group creates a space for their energies to meet and combine, a portrait of contemporary femininity is revealed.

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upcoming date

No upcoming representation.

Marion Alzieu, Aude Arago, Johanna Faye, Fanny Rouyé
Amala Dianor
Eric Aldéa, Ivan Chiossone
Samson Milcent

KAPLAN | Cie Amala Dianor

IADU – Initiatives d’Artistes en Danses Urbaines, EPPGHV – WIP Villette, Centre Chorégraphique National de Nantes, CNDC d’Angers
Creation grant
Etat-DRAC Pays de la Loire, Région Pays de la Loire
With the support of
CDCN de Toulouse
Associate artist

Amala Dianor is associated artist to Touka Danses, CDCN Guyane, France (2021-2024) and Théâtre de Macon, France (2021-24) ; Les Quinconces - l’Espale, scène nationale le Mans, France (2021-2024).


Cie Amala Dianor / Kaplan, sustained by French State - DRAC Pays de la Loire, Pays de la Loire Region, Town of Angers. Since 2020, it is receiving the support of BNP Paribas Foundation.

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