Amala Dianor decodes street dance and actively channels the energy of hip hop dance into contemporary dance. In Parallèle he uses the figure of the woman, developing a “hybrid” movement, a new vocabulary for his creations.
In Parallèle,as in his previous work Crossroads (2012), Amala uses synergy, the meeting point for urban cultures and contemporary dance while also creating a tool for “choreographic proposition,” and making it available for his dancers, to help them refine their own energies and channel those of others. The tool helps them find a simple, natural clarity in their approach to the work.
Parallèle offers a blend of choreographic expressions linked to the physical meeting of bodies, the natural human encounter of four personalities, each female, and each coming from a different place. From their innate intimacy, where this compact group creates a space for their energies to meet and combine, a portrait of contemporary femininity is revealed.
No upcoming representation.
KAPLAN | Cie Amala Dianor
Amala Dianor is associated artist to Touka Danses, CDCN Guyane, France (2021-2024) and Théâtre de Macon, France (2021-24) ; Les Quinconces - l’Espale, scène nationale le Mans, France (2021-2024).
Cie Amala Dianor / Kaplan, sustained by French State - DRAC Pays de la Loire, Pays de la Loire Region, Town of Angers. Since 2020, it is receiving the support of BNP Paribas Foundation.